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Night covers for grocery display case equipment

Necessity of grocery refrigeration cover

Supermarket refrigeration cover is made of woven aluminum fabric that provides it the strength of aluminum and flexibility of a fabric. Set as a drape, it can be folded up and pulled down on the open design refrigerated displays.

Open front display units are great for making sales but they consume much energy as the open design allows quick evaporation of the cooling provided by the machine. But there is little need to keep the displays open when the store is shut. It is better to cover the displays to prevent evaporation and cut energy consumption.

Display covers

Supermarket cover used on refrigerated display units can shut the units like a regular refrigerator. Set on the corners, it will cover displays from corner to corner. Available in varied sizes from smallest to largest, it can easily close a display of any size. And if you want, you can ask for a customized cover for your off-size display units.

Why cover display units?

It is like closing the units for night and holidays. And its advantage is saving energy and money in the long run while increasing the shelf life of perishable goods including dairy products and frozen and non-vegetarian food items. When everything is covered, you can rest assured that your investment is safe and that you will find it fresh when the covers will be rolled up.

A grocery refrigeration cover works like a regular drape but it has the power of aluminum that can prevent evaporation to a large extent. While the refrigeration unit will keep doing its work, the cover won’t let the cooling machine come under pressure. Also, it will provide the protective cover to the stored goods in the event of mechanical failure.

Should I get a cover?

Everyone who runs a retail store must invest on these covers. Open design displays are used for retailing but they aren’t good for energy consumption. It is better to cover the displays during night and holidays to save energy. Since these covers come with everything you need to use the drapes, you don’t have to worry about anything about these drapes.

Buy from us

We have a supermarket cover for every display irrespective of its size. And we can set the cover on your display unit. Once set, you only need to pull down the drape on your display. It will be an easy job that will save you plenty of money in the long run.

Get Us Working For You! Say “YES” to installing Econofrost night covers today!